ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001: Integrated Lean EHS®
The essential difference between ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 is that ISO 14001 focuses on managing your organization's impact on the external environment, while OHSAS 18001 focuses on managing your organization's internal environment to ensure a safe and healthy workplace. Structurally, the two standards are essentially identical. The requirements are essentially identical. Consequently, the processes and documentation need to implement and certify to ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 are essentially the same. Only the intent and focus are different.
As with the Lean QMS® and Lean EMS®, Pinnacle advocates a practical process-based model for an integrated occupational health and safety and environmental management system (EHS). Pinnacle seamlessly integrates the elements of the Lean OHS® Curriculum and Lean EMS® Curriculum to help your organization develop an integrated Lean EHS® specifically tailored to your organization's unique needs
Contact Pinnacle to discuss your Integrated Lean EHS® needs.
The following table provides a direct clause-by-cause comparison of OHSAS 18001 and ISO 14001:
OHSAS 18001:2007 Clause |
ISO 14001:2004 Clause |
Pinnacle Lean EHS® Document Model |
4.1 General Requirements |
4.1 General Requirements |
EM-4440 Lean EHS® Map MP-4000 EHS Policies |
4.2 OH&S Policy |
4.2 Environmental Policy |
MP-4000 EHS Policies |
4.3 Planning |
4.3 Planning |
Title Only |
4.3.1 Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment, & Determining Controls |
4.3.1 Environmental Aspects |
SP-4300 EHS Aspects, Objectives, Targets, & Programs WI-4300-01 Identification of EHS Aspects WI-4300-02 Significance of EHS Aspects F-4300-01 EHS Aspect Evaluation |
4.3.2 Legal and Other Requirements |
4.3.2 Legal and Other Requirements |
SP-4320 Legal & Regulatory Compliance WI-4320-01 Preliminary Research Survey F-4451-01 External Documents & Requirements Log |
4.3.3 Objectives and Programs |
4.3.3 Objectives, Targets and Program(s) |
SP-4300 EHS Aspects, Objectives, Targets, & Programs F-4300-02 Objective & Target Management Sheet F-4510-01 Objectives Matrix |
4.4 Implementation and Operation |
4.4 Implementation and Operation |
Title Only |
4.4.1 Resources, Roles, Responsibility, Accountability and Authority |
4.4.1 Resources, Roles, Responsibility and Authority |
MP-4000 EHS Policies F-4410-01 Organizational Chart (customer defined) |
4.4.2 Competence, Training and Awareness |
4.4.2 Competence, Training and Awareness |
SP-4420 Training WI-4420-01 Training Curriculum F-4420-01 Training Matrix F-4420-02 Training Assessment Schedule F-4420-03 Training Needs Assessment |
4.4.3 Communication, Participation, and Consultation |
NA |
Title Only | Communication |
4.4.3 Communication |
SP-4431 Internal Communication SP-4432 External Communication F-4432-01 External Communication Log | Participation and Consultation |
NA |
The requirements of this sub-clause are addressed by the effective implementation & use of other processes & documents such as: MP-4000 EHS Policies SP-4300 EHS Aspects, Objectives, Targets, & Programs F-4410-01 Organizational Chart (customer defined) SP-4420 Training WI-4420-01 Training Curriculum SP-4431 Internal Communication SP-4470 Emergency Preparedness & Response WI-4470-01 Emergency Response Programs (for identification of potential accidents/emergencies & for developing response programs) WI-4470-02 thru WI-4470-XX Emergency Response Programs (customer defined) SP-4530 Corrective/Preventive Action & Continual Improvement |
4.4.4 Documentation |
4.4.4 Documentation |
EM-4440 Lean EHS® Map F-4440-01 Management System Structure (Master List) |
4.4.5 Control of Documents |
4.4.5 Control of Documents |
SP-4450 Internal Document Control F-4450-01 Document Change Notice F-4440-01 Management System Structure (Master List) SP-4451 External Document Control F-4451-01 External Documents & Requirements Log |
4.4.6 Operational Control |
4.4.6 Operational Control |
Operational controls are typically integrated into existing documented product & service realization processes. In this case no additional documents are needed. If these processes are not currently documented, Pinnacle can help "process map" them. Examples of additional processes that may need to be created are Recycling, Waste Handling, Water Treatment, Natural Resource Utilization Reduction Programs, etc. |
4.4.7 Emergency Preparedness and Response |
4.4.7 Emergency Preparedness and Response |
SP-4470 Emergency Preparedness & Response WI-4470-01 Emergency Response Programs (for identification of potential accidents/emergencies & for developing response programs) WI-4470-02 thru WI-4470-XX Emergency Response Programs (customer defined) F-4470-01 Potential Accidents & Emergencies |
4.5 Checking and Corrective Action |
4.5 Checking |
Title Only |
4.5.1 Performance Measurement and Monitoring |
4.5.1 Monitoring and Measurement |
SP-4510 Monitoring Significant EHS Aspects EF-4510-01 Objectives Matrix |
4.5.2 Evaluation of Compliance |
4.5.2 Evaluation of Compliance |
SP-4320 Legal & Regulatory Compliance F-4320-01 Environmental Compliance Checklist |
4.5.3 Incident Investigation, Nonconformity, Corrective Action and Preventive Action |
NA |
Title Only | Incident Investigation |
NA |
SP-4470 Emergency Preparedness & Response WI-4470-01 Emergency Response Programs (for identification of potential accidents/emergencies & for developing response programs) WI-4470-02 thru WI-4470-XX Emergency Response Programs (customer defined) F-4470-01 Potential Accidents & Emergencies SP-4530 Corrective/Preventive Action & Continual Improvement F-4530-01 Corrective/Preventive Action Request | Nonconformity, Corrective and Preventive Action |
4.5.3 Nonconformity, Corrective and Preventive Action |
SP-4530 Corrective/Preventive Action & Continual Improvement F-4530-01 Corrective/Preventive Action Request |
4.5.4 Control of Records |
4.5.4 Control of Records |
SP-4540 Records Management F-4440-01 Management System Structure (Master List) |
4.5.5 Internal Audit |
4.5.5 Internal Audit |
SP-4550 Internal Audit F-4550-01 Internal Audit Schedule F-4550-02 Internal Audit Checklist F-4550-03 Internal Audit Report |
4.6 Management Review |
4.6 Management Review |
SP-4600 Management Review F-4600-01 Management Review Record |
Previous Topic: 5s Training and Implementation