Lean BOS® Assessment

The Lean BOS® Assessment helps identify breakdowns in business planning, business processes, and business operations that impact customers by creating unnecessary costs. Such breakdowns may include non-value-added steps, unnecessary bureaucracy, poor communication, process inconsistencies, and process confusion.

These costly problems can only be resolved if they are objectively identified, clearly defined, and subsequently quantified and fixed.

The Lean BOS® Assessment provides a powerful tool for senior management teams to help identify areas for improvement. The Lean BOS® Assessment can be compared to a report card. It provides a baseline or "stake in the ground" so that the grade can be improved quickly.

When Pinnacle Enterprise Group (Pinnacle) conducts the Lean BOS® Assessment it provides a consistent approach to the scoring and the most unbiased score on which to base future resource allocations. The key is having a thorough knowledge of Lean BOS® practices and processes.

Contact Pinnacle to schedule your Lean BOS® Assessment.

What Is Being Measured

"You can't manage what you don't measure, and you can't succeed if you don't manage," sums up the necessity to measure the right things in the right way. Measuring Lean BOS® practices generally means measuring what others ignore and ignoring what others measure. For example, it makes no sense for production or front office to evaluate processes using financial measures, such as systems of variance, ROI, labor reporting, and absorption.

Lean BOS® measurements are gathered on the production floor and in the front office in real time, so that immediate action is possible. These measures might include throughput time, quality measures (DPPMs), machine utilization, changeover times, days-on-hand, on time delivery, etc. Three categories are used to measure 14 building blocks of Lean BOS® tools and concepts. They include:

Operational Excellence - QMS Platform, 5S, Quality Process, Work Cells/Areas as Profit Centers, Visual Controls, Standard Work, Total Productive Maintenance.

Just-In-Time - Continuous Flow, Pull Systems, Leveling, Quick Changeovers.

People - Continuous Improvement, Training, Supplier/Customer Alliances.

Lean BOS® Assessment can be completed for an entire facility, a focused factory, or a specific area or value stream within the organization.

Contact Pinnacle to schedule your Lean BOS® Assessment.

What To Expect From the Assessment?

Four results come from a detailed Lean BOS® Assessment.

  1. You will gain a clear understanding of what needs to be improved or corrected.
  2. You will gain a snapshot view (baseline) of current conditions that can be compared and monitored during the implementation of Lean BOS®.
  3. You will have the ability to prioritize Lean BOS® issues and provide for a plan on which to base future resource commitment.
  4. You will have a Lean BOS® direction upon which to continually reduce costs.

How Does the Assessment Work?

The Lean BOS® Assessment involves two parts:

  • scoring
  • evaluation

Each phase involves a variety of tasks, information, and forms.


In this part of the Lean BOS® Assessment, the Scoring Tables are used to allocate points for each of the 14 Lean building blocks being assessed. Each Scoring Table is comprised of two sections:

  1. An information section that includes a definition of the Lean BOS® building block, a detailed description of assessment guidelines and a list of tips for becoming world class with a 4.0 score.
  2. A scoring table with a summary of the guidelines, a scoring chart, and an area to write comments or suggestions.

The scoring table uses a 0-4 point range to allocate a score for each guideline. Pinnacle will complete the scoring tables for each Lean BOS® building block by determining the number of points (0-4) for each guideline that best describes the Lean BOS® practices being assessed. When each guideline has a 0-4 point score recorded, the average points for each Lean BOS® building block are computed and recorded. Additional comments and suggestions are also provided.

These general guidelines are utilized when allocating points for the Lean BOS® Assessment:

  • 100% of the Lean BOS® building blocks being assessed may include, when appropriate, the front office and all key administrative procedures.
  • Under Comments/Suggestions, parameters that are unique to your operations are defined so they are documented when a follow-up assessment is completed.

Scoring Table Example (5S)



Set in Order





100% of areas

100% of areas

100% of areas

100% of areas

100% of areas


75% of areas

75% of areas

75% of areas

75% of areas

75% of areas


50% of areas

50% of areas

50% of areas

50% of areas

50% of areas


25% of areas

25% of areas

25% of areas

25% of areas

25% of areas


0% of areas

0% of areas

0% of areas

0% of areas

0% of areas



Average Score



There are three basic steps to this part of the Lean BOS® Assessment.

Plot scores on a radar chart - Once the scoring tables are completed, the average number of points for each Lean BOS® building block is plotted on a Radar Chart, which provides a visual image of how well a facility compares to world class performance measures, or to previously established benchmarks.

Complete a Summary Form - When the Radar Chart is completed, a total assessment score for the organization is computed on the Lean BOS® Assessment Summary.

Lean BOS® Assessment Summary


Operational Excellence

Current Score

Previous Score

Previous Score

Previous Score

Previous Score


QMS Platform






Quality Processes



Work Cell/Areas as Profit Centers



Visual Controls



Standard Work



Total Productive Maintenance










Continuous Flow



Pull System






Quick Changeovers










Continuous Improvement






Supplier/Customer Alliances


Total Points


Average Score


Compare to World Class - A five-level rating scale (0.0 to 4.0) provides a Lean ranking for your total organization and compares your score to a world class rating scale. If you completed a previous assessment, you will have your previous score as a benchmark.

World Class Rating Scale

3.6 - 4.0

World-class status

Results are being achieved at all levels.  But, since the competition is not stagnant, there is a need to drive continuous improvement efforts.

2.6 - 3.5

Results being felt at all levels

Lean is now becoming the company culture and world-class performance is in sight.

1.6 - 2.5

Change is becoming visible

There is a need to leverage momentum to reduce the risk of sliding back into old habits.

0.6 - 1.5

Beginning the Lean journey

Accelerating a Lean focus will drive change.

0.0 - 0.5

No Lean commitment

Adoption and commitment are necessary to remain competitive and stay in business!

Contact Pinnacle to schedule your Lean BOS ® Assessment.

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