Statistical and Quality Methods
SPC, DOE, MSA, Reliability Analysis, Regression Analysis
Pinnacle Enterprise Group (Pinnacle) believes that statistical methods must be integrated into an organization's quality management system (QMS) and/or business operating system (BOS). Unfortunately, most organizations do not appreciate the value of using and integrating statistical methods. Furthermore, when statistical methods are applied they are almost always misused and misunderstood.
Typically, companies react to a problem when it has already occurred and use "educated" trial and error methods to improve a process or product. In essence, a typical company is being controlled by its process and products instead of understanding, optimizing, and controlling the processes and product. The result is that companies in every industry continue to struggle with data driven improvement projects, understanding their processes, and optimizing process and product designs.
Most organizations find themselves in one of three categories:
- No internal expertise with statistical methods,
- One or select few individuals with statistical methods competency, but no widespread or systematic application of statistical methods, or
- Widespread but improper and inappropriate application of statistical methods.
Even in the best cases, statistical methods are almost never practically integrated into the organization's QMS or BOS.
The traditional cause of these shortcomings is that practitioners of statistical methods have been too academic with the transfer of their knowledge and have failed to develop practical process-based tools that allow any person to apply and use appropriate statistical tools in their daily work. Furthermore, many practitioners are not up to date on the most modern statistical methods and developments.
Pinnacle has teamed with Integral Concepts, Inc. to develop a unique approach to statistical methods training and implementation that allows any organization (with even the most basic mathematics and computer skills) to finally adopt and apply modern statistical methods. Moreover, for the first time, Pinnacle's Lean BOS® approach allows statistical methods to become defined business processes that can be seamlessly integrated into your QMS or BOS.
Read the "Capability Indices Can Be Deceiving" article.